Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What do I mean?

Ok! I am not a racist. I do not hold any grudges against any one race of people, I do however have a problem with anyone that does.I have lived 20yrs of my life believing that racism is dead in America, I was wrong. The truth is that it's not over and it will never be over, in America and all over the world. I take pride in myself for having an open mind and being fair, I tell ya, my mind is closing inch by inch. Everyday I turn the television on and I see the leaders of our country, our states, cities and towns, spew insults like I am ignorant and/or incompetent. Fox News Alert! I am not Blind, I am not Deaf and I am not mute! I am 6ft tall so trust me none of your crap is going over my head! Fox News and its Goons could learn alot from Helen Keller.

What do I mean?